
Guy Who Was Rumored to Have Gotten Beatrice Closed Brings News About Its Reopening

Photo: Yun Cee Ng

Finally someone has gotten Paul Sevigny to go on the record about the next Beatrice Inn, and guess who it is — Chris Wilson! If you know your Beatrice, you’ll recall he’s the writer-editor who Steve Lewis once said might’ve initiated the Inn’s shutdown by possibly getting into a fistfight that brought cops to the Bea. Now Wilson is getting quotes from both Lewis and Sevigny — so if the bloody-nose rumor was ever true, there are clearly no hard feelings these days. Anyway, enough of the inside baseball — what does Sevigny reveal about the new location? Well, nothing. But he does manage to get a knock in on the Boom Boom Room or whatever that place with the $25 drinks is being called these days.

“I don’t necessarily love hanging out in a hotel,” says Sevigny. “I feel like New Yorkers would rather go to a boutique than a department store. It’s got a great view, but let’s face it — it’s corporate.” Meanwhile, Sevigny’s partner in the Beatrice, Matt Abramcyk, has signed a lease for “a cozy, below-street level lounge in the West Village.” Shortly after opening it in May, Abramcyk had told us that Warren 77 would be his last bar — maybe all this “new Beatrice” stuff got to him?

The Beatrice Strikes Back [NYP]

Guy Who Was Rumored to Have Gotten Beatrice Closed Brings News About Its