They're Topps

Here’s a Look at GoogaMooga’s Chef-Themed Trading Cards

No gum is included.
No gum is included. Photo: Courtesy of GoogaMooga

Yes, trading cards, à la Topps, will be on offer this week in conjunction with the very large music and food festival in Prospect Park. (The novelty, it should be pointed out, isn’t entirely out of line with the ethos of small-batch Brooklyn, since trading cards were once a key borough export.) Friend of Grub Street Jordana Rothman was brought on by GoogaMooga organizers to oversee these very limited-edition trading cards, featuring everyone from April Bloomfield to Hugue Dufour, who definitely isn’t serving horse bologna this time out. First We Feast’s Chris Schonberger produced a series called “Brain Hack,” which purports to ask the featured chefs the hard questions, which it may do, but also proves once and for all that Pok Pok’s Andy Ricker is really just the chef version of Han Solo. [GoogaMooga, Earlier]

Here’s a Look at GoogaMooga’s Chef-Themed Trading Cards