Displaying all articles tagged:

Javier Cabral

  1. Leftovers
    Chuan Ma Is a Hit; Britney Hits McDonald’sLA now has Slow Hand organic whiskey to pair with spicy beef noodle soup from Chuan Ma.
  2. Snack Time
    Saveur Offers a Guide to Mexican Snack FoodsHelpful for anyone looking to tell their cacahuates Japoneses from their mazapánes de cacahuate
  3. Health Concerns
    Can’t Liquor Stores and Health Food Just Get Along in East L.A.?Javier Cabral defends his East L.A. neighborhood liquor store as changes descend on a so-called “food desert.”
  4. Openings
    L.A.’s Mole Master Opens Rocio’s Moles del Dioses in BellRocio Camacho opens her first solo restaurant and quickly establishes unique and genre-bending recipes.
  5. Foodievents
    La Feria De Moles 2011: Should You Put Your Money On Puebla or Oaxaca?The two famous mole states will battle it out this Sunday on Olvera Street.
  6. Fever for Lefebvre
    LudoBites Adding Even More Foie Gras to the Menu Tonight To Celebrate FinalBetween animal rights activists, a reluctant owner, and a drinking game, tonight’s final episode could get messy!
  7. Neighborhood Watch
    District Shutters in Hollywood; Lee’s Raises Dough for Tsunami ReliefMeanwhile, Javier Cabral goes on tour with the Delirians, providing the perfect excuse to do some good regional eating.
  8. Superlatives
    Saveur Recognizes Our BloggersKevinEats, the Delicious Life, and Joy the Baker all earn nominations for their esteemed food-bloggery.
  9. TV Land
    Watch Javier Cabral Make Jeffrey Saad Eat a Ton of TacosThe host also munches on worm agave salsa.
  10. Beef
    So-Called Ex-Staffer Sounds Off on Taix’s OwnerA reader claims Mike Taix is guilty of the same offenses being spoken against in his restaurant.
  11. Valentine’s Day
    Love & Mole for Valentine’s DayThe Glutster shares a selection of top-tier Mexican restaurants feeling amorous his weekend.
  12. Video Feed
    Meet L.A.’s Vendy FinalistsTrendy trucks and traditional vendors will square-off with their grills on May 15th.