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  1. Slice Wars
    Vinny Vincenz Vs. 2 Bros.: Pizza Slice War Is Officially OnSlice, slice, baby. Too cold.
  2. Celebrity Settings
    Foodies of the Stern Show: Stripper at The Four Seasons, Grillo BecomesWhere are these wack packers now? In kitchens, it turns out.
  3. Truckin’
    The $1 Pizza TruckThe Pizza Truck changes ownership.
  4. Health Concerns
    Gross-out on Wheels: Rats Hitch a Ride With Pizza TruckAnother Taco Bell rat attack in the works?
  5. Truckin’
    Pizza Truck Officially Rolls OutCheck out the adorable chef’s-hat mascot!
  6. Truckin
    Vinny Vincenz Expands Its Fleet, Revs Up ‘The Pizza Truck’Another truck joins the Vinny Vincenz fleet.
  7. NewsFeed
    Hard Times Befall New York’s Pizza MakersPizza may be cheap, but that’s part of the problem for New York’s pizza makers.